USA LaoTu 高薪转行做数据第一平台

名校名师出高徒,师资强,同学多,热气高,点子好,经验多,出实招,透实底,多干货,求职快! => 生物转行美国找工作高薪数据分析师 Database Analyst => Topic started by: lan on July 20, 2013, 04:27:27 AM

Title: 请问一下成功的同道, 关于简历职位头衔
Post by: lan on July 20, 2013, 04:27:27 AM
I have the job title as postdoctoral fellow. Should I write it on the resume?  It sound like you are not doing the database job.
But if you write as data analyst, what if they confirm with university about your position.   If they know you are not a data analyst, you lost the opportunity.

How do you address this issue? 
Thanks a lot.


Title: Re: 请问一下成功的同道, 关于简历职位头衔
Post by: USA LaoTu Support Team on October 23, 2013, 11:04:16 AM
Postdoctoral fellow  is your HR job category title.
With same HR titel, people can have many different functional title.
We write functional title on ur resume.