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Author Topic: Question from 新加坡  (Read 4427 times)

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Question from 新加坡
« on: July 04, 2014, 11:09:02 AM »


两年前,我无意在“文学城”网知道了你和你开的课程,对你所开的课程非常感兴趣想学,觉得这是个很好的学习机会。现在我白天有时间,正好看到你们七月新开的Core Package Course,想报名参加,并且希望学完后可以在新加坡找到一个好的工作。


 1 .在七月开的Core Package Course Schedule里没有Excel & Access 2007 这门课。如没有,请问何时开?

-- Access 2007 is a download ONLY course. Student can download previous class material study any time they want. Not need wait.

2.需要安装什么应用软件才可以上你的课?我的计算机是ACER Aspire  AS3810TZ (CPU:Intel SU4100 1.3GHz, 2G RAM)是否可以?

-- We will teach Database Software installation in each class, not need worry about it now.
-- Your computer is old. New Database software will not on this old computer.
-- Better have a computer with Windows 7 or Windows 8:

CPU: Intel i3, i5, i7
Memory: >= 4GB
Hard disk drive >= 100GB

3.我在新加坡,当地时间和北京时间一样 (GST+8),不知道“Crystal Reports”开课时间Tue & Thr 7PM-9PM和“Oracle 11g SQL” 开课时间Sunday morning 8AM - 12PM对应的北京时间是何时?(因为和北美的时差);异地授课有时差如何处理?

-- 7:00pm Tue USA PST should be 10:00am Wed Beijing Time, you can google get time zone time.
-- We have students all over the world. Some of them watch class video ONLY due to time difference.


-- We record every online class, students can review class video any time they want after each class.

5.不知道你的学生中有没有来自新加坡的学生,他们学完后的工作好找吗?有什么针对新加坡学生的经验 ?

-- Yes, we have.
-- Same as students from all other countries, gain tech skill, gain interview skill, job will come to you.

 6. 在新加坡可以按照你们网站上的“课程注册指南”直接用信用卡付款吗?

-- Yes. You can try use credit car;
-- If not work, do fund transfer to our Bank of America account.

7. 报名上课后, 如有课堂问题 (不懂的地方),如何提问和回答?是网络在线提问还是email提问 ?

-- Students post questions on student's Forum all the time in the day, get answer very quick.
