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Author Topic: Questions and answer about USA LaoTu's class  (Read 4278 times)

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Questions and answer about USA LaoTu's class
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:36:50 PM »
Someone posted question on mitbbs:
1. 听过几次免费的班会录像。有一个很神奇的老土找数据方面工作简历模板Resume
-- Core Package student will get it for FREE.
-- Copy right material is not permitted to email without a written

2. 看了许多网上的成功故事和免费的班会录像,其中有一位在家妈妈很多年不工作,
 本身以前也完全不是做数据的,上了几个月课程后,找到了Senior Data Analyst或是
Senior BI developer什么的工作。 如果是转行做Junior也还可以理解,但这个Senior
是如何做到的了? 仔细找一下,这样的老土学生似乎还不少。我想破头也想不出 a)完
 全转入新的行业; b)有多年的career gap,是如何进入到新的行业做senior的?这个
Resume部分是如何做到的呢?面试又是如何做到?进入公司又如何survive with this
 senior title?
-- Before take class, everybody like to ask this question.
-- After take class, nobody ask this question any more.
-- This is the value of the class.

 3. 请在这个行业的同学说一下,这个数据分析行业真的是这么hot吗?听起来好像什么
-- Data has shown YES.

4. 网络上由非常专业的美国公司制作的非常优质的数据类培训视频非常多, 也比老土
 下下来。 那么上老土的课程的优势在哪呢?请知道的同学指导一下。
-- You will NOT get the expert experience from FREE you tube;
-- You will NOT get how to talk in job interview from FREE stuff.
-- 1)gain a skil;2)Know how to talk. Then job will come to you.

5. 据我了解,小x也在进行网络培训,他那边又和老土这边有什么区别?小x的录像网上很多,国内的人都知道他是一个牛人,至少技术上没的说。老土这边就是
-- Other web site only training Oracle DBAs.
-- There is NOT may DBA jobs on market, specially almost there is NO job for
 junior DBA who know nothing about database.
-- "一个牛人"?  LOL!  连SQL用英语怎么读都不知道,也算大牛?
-- In the past 6 years, USA Laotu focus on Database Analyst job, this skillis is being used everywhere, has large job openings and high demand.
-- Followed USA LaoTu, recently, some other web site also started 山寨 USA
LaoTu's class and business model. You know what? The teacher in those website is USA LaoTu's previous student. LOL!
-- 你是要硅谷专家原创的呢,还是要山寨的呢?

6. 本人现在非常想往数据方向转尤其是看了老土的宣传,因为听说这个方向抗老而且

-- Youtube video is the best place to get information, there are videos in
there for every week. After watch video, all the normal people will get a
clear picture.
-- Send email if you need more information.
-- Most important, you need take action.

 我想我也会去上的。 现在是犹豫,必竟是几千大洋,对我来说不是小数目。 谢谢了。
-- "听说但凡是是对老土不利的帖子都会人被很快删掉"?
-- Internet are full of noises.
-- Good thing is all of our Chinese are smart. We know how to judge good or
bad use our common sense.