只要你有颗求变的心并愿意行动,到这里来,必使你得改变!成千聪明华人循此捷径高薪进入大公司! > 学习心得 Feedback of Class Study

The myth of the # of years of experience

(1/2) > >>

The number of years experiences is a highly debatable industry jargon. Any two persons of the same title or position of the same number of years experiences may end up quite differently in skills and knowledge. Some people may be doing the same job or function repetitively and mechanically all the time. That is kind of one year of experience multiplied by five or seven or whatever. IT is such a fast evolving industry that your x number of experience will be heavily discounted if you don't keep up pace. Keeping learning and renewing your skill set is the key.

Laotu's class is packed with technology, projects, experience sharing, online discussion. You will actually learn tons of stuff in a highly compressed time frame that many may take years to learn the same. In the end you will be confident enough to say, I am just as good as those with x number of years experience. Employers will not care as long as you got the right skills to get the job done.

In a nutshell , ignore those x number of years experience or pretend u have them. Focus on learning skills and doing projects. You will be fine.

Well Said !

Can't agree with you more! Thanks for sharing.

Lao9, thanks for your insight and wisdom!!!

Thank you Lao9 for sharing!


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