名校名师出高徒,师资强,同学多,热气高,点子好,经验多,出实招,透实底,多干货,求职快! > 大龄转行美国找工作高薪数据分析师 Database Analyst

It's never too late to make changes!

(1/2) > >>

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
 Maria Robinson
A year from now you may wish you had started today.
 Karen Lamb

Dear Dr,

Could we change the title? How old is "old"?  It's never too late to make changes!

在某些领域,old是一笔经验和财富。年轻并不代表18岁的年龄,只要你有一颗对新事物还能激动的心,你就是年轻的。记住保持健康(身体和精神)是保持年轻的重要一步。互相鼓励一下 :D

Learning never too late! maybe call " Never Late " is better than Old Age

we need to read Laotu's website or listen to the meeting to get more encourage always.

USA LaoTu Support Team:
Yes, agree!  Change done.


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