只要你有颗求变的心并愿意行动,到这里来,必使你得改变!成千聪明华人循此捷径高薪进入大公司! > 同学留言

大公司领导说 “Data is one of our most important assets"


感谢土校的培训, 参加工作已一年半, 回来给同学鼓鼓劲打打气。
在一大公司工作, 今天单位开网上群众大会, 领导说 “Data is one of our most important assets, everyone should be able to use and analyze it to do a better job.”  土校的同学就是把这些data 用BI tools 放进database 并产生报告让 everyone to use and analyze it to do a better job。


USA LaoTu Support Team:
Data is asset, Data is power, Data is everything.


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