名校名师出高徒,师资强,同学多,热气高,点子好,经验多,出实招,透实底,多干货,求职快! > 财务转行美国找工作高薪数据分析师 Database Analyst

视频: 2013-04-24 147次美加找工作 转行数据分析师职业培训网校 找工作辅导会 多年主妇转行,财务转行,生物转行 经验大公开!

(1/2) > >>

USA LaoTu Support Team:
USA LaoTu 美国老土  147次 北美最大美加找工作 转行数据分析师职业培训网校 找工作辅导会:
祝贺 Mr. C 转行数据分析师职业拿 Offer!
祝贺 Ms. H 转行数据分析师职业拿 Offer! 
祝贺丽萨 转行数据分析师职业拿 Offer!
祝贺三娃妈咪葛瑞丝 转行数据分析师职业 拿到 BI Offer!
多年主妇转行,会计转行,生物转行 转行数据分析师职业经验大公开!
有MS学位的Lisa 转行数据分析师职业经验;

视频:  http://www.usalaotu.com/webinar/PI_20130424.php

You can watch this video use PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, tablet.


You can watch this video use PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, tablet.

--- Quote from: Iloveadventurehere on April 25, 2013, 03:07:05 PM ---Dear laoshi, can I convert it to MP3?

--- End quote ---

I got a problem on watching  this video:

whenever I submitted my email address and got black screen, it says "we are unable to connect to the content you requested. we apologized for the inconvenience."

When I tried again I was counted like "You watched this video 8 times, to watch again,.." 

Can anyone help me?



You probably need to restart your PC, or shut down your PC and then restart

--- Quote from: yezi on May 03, 2013, 08:55:15 PM ---I got a problem on watching  this video:

whenever I submitted my email address and got black screen, it says "we are unable to connect to the content you requested. we apologized for the inconvenience."

When I tried again I was counted like "You watched this video 8 times, to watch again,.." 

Can anyone help me?



--- End quote ---

USA LaoTu Support Team:
If you get this screen "You watched this video 8 times, to watch again,.."
You are in good shape.
Then, the video screen should show up, depends on your network speed. 


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