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Author Topic: 生物转行 视频: 2013-04-17 祝贺两位男生物博士后成功转行!经验大揭密!  (Read 8026 times)

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东方欲晓,莫道君行早。踏遍青山人未老,风景这边独好.  --- 毛泽东

坚定正确的求变方向, 脚踏实土的学习作风,灵活机动的求职战术。



专家教学, 视频重播, 同学论坛, 周三班会, 四管齐下, 美国高能物理博士和爱心同学们为全球咱渴望求变的华人提供了一个独一无二的找工作高能平台。 越来越多的求变华人家庭从中受益。

在其他的生物人还在痛苦挣扎,想转行又找不着北的时候,这些聪明的生物人早早选了硅谷专家的课,不用再去修没用的学位,省钱,省事,几个月内,找到高薪业界工作。 而且,有的工作还能把她们的生物专业知识与从硅谷专家学的数据库技术结合起来,收到意想不到的好效果,大受公司高层赏识。

事实胜于雄辩,有生物学位的你,转行并不难,看看这些视频,聪明的你该知道自己怎么做了吧? 只需三到六个月,好工作等你拿。


2013-04-17 146大 祝贺 两位男生物博士后成功生物转行  Dr. H got two job offers! Dr. YX got job offer!

视频:  http://www.usalaotu.com/webinar/PI_20130417.php

2013-04-24 147大  祝贺女生物博士后成功转行,集生物专业与数据库技术,为公司开辟新天地!

有MS学位的Lisa 转行经验;

视频: http://usalaotu.com/forum/index.php/topic,969.0.html

2013-04-10 生物转行 Why 女生物博士后Dr. Z passed step1, step2, step3, got matched, but, she decided NOT move forward?

视聘: http://www.usalaotu.com/webinar/PI_20130410.php

2013-04-17  祝贺 Bio Dr. H got two job offers!

I'm so excited to tell you I  got two offers from yesterday. I had three interviews in past five days. The first offer came in yesterday, I simply can't believe it. When I plan to take the first one, the second one came today. I'd like you help me again for the direction. Thank you very much to open the door for me  from the beginning, and it really helps. Please find the jobs description attached, and let me know if you have question.


2013-04-17  祝贺 Bio Dr. YX got job offer!

Dear Dr. Laotu:

I am very happy to let you know that I got an offer from a consulting company to work for xxxxxx (one of the largest company in the industry) about xx sales. I really appreciate your help and the platform for career switch. I would like to share my experience with our Core Package and BI students tonight.

Best regards,