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Author Topic: Job Seekers: How To Earn The Job During Your Second Interview [ZT]  (Read 3586 times)


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When you’re on the short list of final candidates for a second job interview, the key to success is to demonstrate to the hiring manager why you are the person they should hire over any of the other candidates. Here are two ways to accomplish this:

Tip #1: Come prepared with examples of previous work and be able to explain why your work was successful.

Examples: If you are interviewing for a marketing manager position, bring examples of marketing plans or product launch plans you’ve created and implemented and be able to explain why the plans were successful. This approach holds true for almost every job. If interviewing for a public relations (PR) position, bring examples of the PR plans you’ve created and implemented and writing examples that demonstrate your skills, such as press releases you’ve written. If interviewing for a product engineering position, bring examples of previous design work and any patents you’ve received.

Why work examples are helpful: Showing a hiring manager previous work, such as a product launch plan, can be helpful. Even better is to then explain why the product launch plan was successful, or parts of it that were not, why and what you learned from the experience. This demonstrates to the hiring manager that you understand how and why things work or do not work – why certain tactics had a direct impact and others did not. Just be sure not to share anything that is company confidential.

Tip #2: Provide the hiring manager with specific reasons why you are the candidate they should hire.

From the notes you took during your first interview and from the job description, prior to your second job interview, write down the top 3-5 attributes the hiring manager is looking for in the candidate who will earn the position. Then, evaluate yourself against these items and determine how your qualifications and experience meet or exceed the requirements.

During your second interview, discuss these with the hiring manager. For example, you might comment: “In our first interview you shared with me the three most important qualifications necessary for this position. They were…” (state the items) “Based on what you’re looking for, I believe I am the best candidate for you to hire because…” and then explain how your experience, education, skills, high-quality work, discipline in getting things done, teamwork, attitude, etc. make you the best person for the job.

How this is helpful: When a hiring manager has narrowed down a candidate pool to a short list, they already know each candidate on this list is qualified for the position – what they’re now looking for are reasons why to hire one candidate over another. This can be a great way for a job candidate to finish the second interview on a positive note. By reminding the hiring manager of the key aspects they’re looking for and explaining him or her why you are the person they should hire, you are helping to make their decision easier by providing your differentiators.

~ Lisa Quast, author of the book, Secrets of a Hiring Manager Turned Career Coach: A Foolproof Guide to Getting the Job You Want. Every Time.   Join me on Twitter @careerwomaninc

This article was written by Lisa Quast from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

(From: http://news.monster.com/a/other/job-seekers-how-to-earn-the-job-during-your-second-interview-b77c97?WT.mc_n=CRM_US_B2C_LC_TWOM_NNAB_150123)