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Author Topic: 2013-04-10 145大 祝贺学生物的苏 和Z 同学 拿到 dream 米国公司Offer!  (Read 9606 times)

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10:00am Thursday, 北京时间上午十点整
7:00pm Wednesday, 美西 时间
10:00pm Wednesday, 美东时间

------ 2013-04-10  145大  Weekly meeting -------


19:00 - 20:00 Meeting Open to public, everybody is welcome
   218-862-7200 code 404101
   Skype ID: USALaotu
19:00 - 22:00  Class Webinar for Core Package Student ONLY.
 Prepare Interview,for subscribed student ONLY.
 听分享 新年成就好工作!凡是渴望求变找工作的华人,不必再读学位, 硅谷专家, Dr.美国老土必将你改变.  3-6个月,成就好工作!

Weekly Class Webinar is FREE for Core Package students.
Connect information is puiblished on Core Package Student Message Board:

General public can register weekly webinar from this link:http://www.usalaotu.com/index.php/price-and-register/340-weekly-wednesday-class-webinar-interview-preparation

2013-04-10 祝贺又一咱国女医学博士 Z 同学 拿到 米国公司Offer! 生活从此不一样!
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 12:01 PM

First of all, thank you for everything you taught on the class.  After two month job hunting and interviews, I got an offer that I would like to take.  I would like to share with your students if you think it helps.  I still receive phone calls or emails from recruiters.  Sounds like the following one is really looking for candidates to fill up the positions he has in hand.  He said he would like to find someone with the similiar skill set as I have.  I think that means your core course + BI students.
Thanks again.
2013-04-04 祝贺又一咱国生物女博士 苏 拿到 dream 米国公司Offer! 生活从此不一样!

2013-04-03 祝贺又一咱国生物女博士蔚蔚安拿到米国公司Offer!成功转行 生活从此不一样!
2013-04-01 祝贺协润拿到大银行工作! 生活从此不一样!
2013-03-29 祝贺又一咱国生物女博士苏珊今天拿到米国公司Offer!成功转行 生活从此不一样!
2013-03-28 祝贺 喜婕 拿到 BI 高薪 Offer!
2013-03-27 祝贺生物Ph.D.拿到公司高薪 BI Offer!
2013-03-20 祝贺又一位杰拿到俩Offer!
2013-03-21 祝贺塞啦得Offer!
2013-03-22 祝贺好丽成功转行拿Offer!


我 是这周二去这家xx公司面试,今天得到了offer。Recruiter 公司和他们negiotiate 的salary,是我给他们的下限:$xx.xxx. 不知其他在xxxxx 地区的同学是怎样的,不过我已经很满足了。 重要的是我终于从学术界转行进入了BI行业,从此就象你说的:Nobody can stop me。
我是在去年9月初看到文学城的广告后开始上你的课,现在终于也成为找到工作被祝贺的一员。那些花应该是给你的,因为是你创造了这些奇迹,让这么多人脱离了生活,事业的困境。 我唯一的遗憾是没有早两年知道你的课 ---- 你怎么没早一点在文学城做广告呢。:)  大恩不言谢,我想最好的感谢你的方式就是继续支持你,上你的课,:) 我还在等着你什么时候开.Net, Oracle BI 呢。
我也很感谢那些在课上share 经验的新老同学: Amanda, Lucky, Vivian, Xiaoyan, Catherin, 等等这些从未见面说话但很熟悉的名字。 没有她们我不会这么顺利拿到offer.

2013-03-19 祝贺兰 拿到 offer!
2013-03-15 祝贺玲 拿到 offer 全家生活更好!
2013-03-14 祝贺安吉啦成功转行成就Offer!
2013-03-13 祝贺爱仑成功转行成就Offer!
2013-03-11 祝贺路喜成功转行成就Offer!
2013-03-11 祝贺生物博士 矫杰 成功转行 拿到俩 Offer! One is 大保险公司!
2013-03-09 祝贺筠 拿到该行业世界排名第一大公司的 Offer!
2013-03-09 向老师报喜,家庭主妇找工20天就拿到世界著名大公司offer!
2013-03-07 祝贺雯娣成功拿到好 Offer! Other interview is going on!
2013-03-07 祝贺新娣成功转行拿到好Offer!
2013-03-07 祝贺霞成功转行拿到好Offer!
2013-03-06 祝贺 another Jig 拿到  福利好,离家近 BI Offer!
2013-03-02 祝贺国宴大厨 Dr. 究 同时拿到两个offer!
2012-02-28 祝贺丽娜拿到好 offer!
2013-02-07 祝贺三娃妈咪 萍 拿到 Offer 走出家!
2013-02-18 祝贺学农业经济的J学习两个月,拿到两个好Offer!
2013-02-12 祝贺学生物的戴维拿到大公司高薪 Offer!
2013-02-11 祝贺学材料的Helen拿到大公司高薪 Offer!
2013-02-08 祝贺君拿到 Offer!
2013-02-08 祝贺学文科的杰拿到更好的大公司高薪 Offer!
2013-02-07 祝贺学生物的威连拿到 Offer!
2013-02-04 祝贺学会计的瑾拿到Bank Offer!
2013-02-01 祝贺宁成就 SQL Server DBA Offer!
2013-01-31 祝贺密雪一次电话面试就拿Offer!
2013-01-30 祝贺欢欢第一次面试就拿Bank Offer!
2013-01-29 祝贺学文科的杰 got offer! other 4 interviews are going on.
2013-01-29 祝贺学统计的英拿到 Offer!
2013-01-23 祝贺学文科的琳拿到高薪好Offer! 多个面试还在排着!
2013-01-21 祝贺  京 拿到 好城市大公司好Offer!


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Calling for help from Jujube or others in healthcare
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 08:25:13 AM »
Is Jujube coming to the webinar tonight? I have a job description very similar to hers and need to get some advices from her or the other students in healthcare datamart and data mining area.
Thanks very much.


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Dear Laotu Laoshi,

I am not able to attend the Wednesday webinar due to time difference. I was wonderring if you can send today's class webinar to me? Thanks